Friday 23 January 2015

GCSE Art Work

GCSE ART- Recycling
For my GCSE Art Exam my work was based on the theme of recycling. My idea was to create a dress out of recyclable materials.
The body of the dress was made out of chicken wire and for the rest I used only paper from magazines and catalogues.
 I researched into designs of recycled dresses and decided on paper as my material and base my designs on these 4 styles below.
Figure 30. Paper dress left (
Figure 31. Paper dress right (
This is my first design that I drawn. I labelled the design to show exactly what materials I was going to use and ensured everything I used was recyclable.
Below is my second design which i decided would be the design of my final piece. I did the same to this design as I did for the first and ensured all materials were recyclable and clearly labelled and outlines equipment needed.
Below is the final piece. It took 10 hours to complete over the course of the exam period.

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